Published Books
Oregon Trail Road Trip: Historic Sites, Small Towns, and Scenic Landscapes Along the Legendary Westward Route
Look for my full-length guidebook, a modern road trip guidebook. 400+ page travel guidebook covering the 2,000 mile route of the historic Oregon Trail, Find rugged prairies, Wild West towns, thousands of years of Indigenous history, and more. Bring the 1840s to life with a diverse range of voices, stories, and sights. Published by Moon Travel Guides, 2020.
Saving Sunnyville
When trouble comes to Sunnyville, it’s up to a few curious and smart kids to find the solutions. Using real-world examples found in nature and engineering solutions, the kids work hard to bring back clean water, electricity and fresh food to the townspeople. With their inspiring solutions, they end up not only saving Sunnyville but also creating a new and improved town.
Published Nov 2023 by Anthem Press.
Other Writing
Also published in print magazines such as 1859: Oregon’s Magazine, Edible Portland, Stay Wild, and online outlets like Tiny Beans (formerly Red Tricycle).
B2B experience includes content for blogs with 12 annual posts and over 208 social media posts per year, showing an increase in followers and engagement year-over-year. Contributor to DJC Seattle, Founder's Hall UW Foster School of Business.